Clicking on this teaser launched the rich media banner to play out. The following video is a screen recording of what went live.

This banner was interactive.

The website was filtered by campaign objectives, and explored the benefits of the Google Display Network.

We created these notebooks to be included in the SMB training kit

There's a Perfect Ad for Everyone

google display network


Google had already launched a teaser campaign for their Display Network (banner and YouTube ads) called 'Watch This Space'. Now it was time for phase 2.

We were tasked with creating a website, display campaign, and training kit to educate the SMB market on the Google Display Network. The website and majority of banners also had to be HTML, not Flash - making them the first HTML5 advertising banners in Australia.

Our concept was There's a perfect ad for everyone. The campaign takes the audience on a journey  'inside the banner spaces' to discover which ad unit is right for them.